Project launch workshop in Dakar, Senegal

Project launch workshop in Dakar, Senegal

As part of the launch of the CECC project, kick-off workshops are being organized in the project’s target zones. Indeed, to ensure that the body of information and tools, which will be developed by IRD researchers and their academic and operational partners from Southern institutions, effectively meets the needs of the identified end-users, launching workshops have been planned in Niger and Senegal. The objective of these workshops is, on the one hand, to give visibility to the actions that will be carried out in each zone, but also and above all to strengthen the dialogue between the project researchers and the end-users of the deliverables, and even to identify new operational users, interested in the project results.

The second launch workshop of the CECC project was held from March 28th to 30th, 2022 in Dakar, Senegal, in the presence of project researchers involved in the CECC actions in Senegal and participants from various backgrounds (academic, operational, etc.). The first morning of the workshop was dedicated to presenting the project and introducing the working groups that would be organized the following days around the CECC actions in Senegal, and in the afternoon, a field visit was organized in the city of Dakar. The second day of the workshop allowed the project researchers to exchange with the participants about the planned actions, to collect different points of view and to better understand the priorities of the water stakeholders present. To do this, three working groups were organized:

  • A working group on the Regional Hydro-climatic Trajectories in the Sahel, co-animated by Jean-Martial COHARD and Benjamin SULTAN;
  • A working group on Urban Flooding, co-led by Christophe BOUVIER, Stéphanie DOS SANTOS and Théo VISCHEL; 
  • A working group on Structures and multi-objective management of the Senegal River, led by Andrew OGILVIE.

Finally, the restitutions of the discussions that took place in the different working groups were made on the last day of the workshop. 

The materials of the different presentations as well as the minutes of the workshop can be found here

Chrystelle Negron

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