Start of the CECC project

Start of the CECC project

Signing of the CECC project agreement. The Convention of the CECC project was signed on Thursday, July 8, 2021 in Paris in the premises of AFD, by Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of AFD, and Valérie Verdier, President and Chief Executive Officer of IRD. The implementation of the CECC project illustrates the strong partnership between the two organizations and their willingness to join forces to meet the challenges of sustainable development in the South.

Project activities have begun. Researchers involved in the CECC project have been able to begin recruiting thesis and post-doctoral candidates to work on the project’s activities. The CECC theses will operate according to the same principle as the ARTS theses (Allocation de Recherche pour une Thèse au Sud) of the IRD: they will allow the recruitment of scholarship holders from Southern countries to alternate periods of work in France and in a Southern country. They will be co-supervised by IRD researchers and partners in the Sahel and the Andes, and will be implemented with the support of Campus France and the ARTS department of IRD.

Chrystelle Negron

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